11 iulie 2004

Slatina, Romania

Slatina, Romania: Meaning (information, definition, explanation)
Slatina (population: 79,171) is a town in the Olt county, Romania, on the river Olt.

The name's origin is probably Slavic "Slam-tina", which means "salted land", although there is another variant in latin "Salatina". It was first mentioned in a document in 1368, when a custom point was installed here.
In this town is located one the biggest factories producing Aluminium in South-Eastern Europe ("ALRO").
Notable natives
Several important persons were born in this town, among them are playwright Eugen Ionescu and Symbolist poet Ion Minulescu.

3 comentarii:

Maktaaq spunea...

Ionescu? Acuma stiu ceva despre Slatina. :)

Anonim spunea...


Anonim spunea...

este un oras foarte modernizat... l-am cunoscut altfel acum 27 de ani , mai pitotesc mai uman ... acum lipsa spatiilor verzi si a pomilor ii da o nota rece ... Pacat ...